Ashes Of Angels Logo

Earth Time:04:43:34 Mar 12 2025
Not logged in 
Total players: 30
Online: 0
Game Time:04:43:34 Mar 12 2525


If you find a bug please report it in the bugs forum on the portal

Game Announcements

2024-08-02 - New planet colony started!! Kiloteria

2024-08-02 - New planet colony started!! Cor Caroli

2024-01-06 - *Completed* Server Downtime - Sunday 07-01-2024

2023-12-19 - Ho! Ho! Ho! - Kill Father Christmas!

2022-07-03 - New system discovered: Ross 154

2022-07-03 - New colony started!! Regula Rocks

2022-06-26 - Minor balance changes to Facility costs

2022-05-30 - Facility over-production bug fix

2021-11-16 - New Privacy Policy and Game goes Advert Free

2021-11-16 - Apologies for the Downtime

2020-06-06 - New planet colony started!! Corboda Vh 243

2020-06-06 - New planet colony started!! Draco

2020-06-06 - New planet colony started!! Bernices

2019-08-17 - New planet colony started!! Ursa Beta

2019-08-17 - New planet colony started!! Tera 9

2019-02-25 - Bounty Hunter Ranks

2018-11-12 - Improved menus for iOS screen reader users

2018-07-15 - World Cup Event Results

2018-06-14 - World Cup Events Kick Off Now

2018-06-11 - *New* Bounty Hunter Missions

2018-06-04 - *Coming Soon* World Cup Event

2018-06-04 - AoA - Now in 3D!

2017-12-20 - Special Missions! - Hunt Santa and his Reindeer

2017-08-13 - Main Game Site Updated

2017-08-12 - Portal Site Updated

2017-06-24 - Enhanced Capsule and R Leonis 7 slows down

2017-06-05 - New planet colony started!! Murphrid 432

2016-12-20 - New planet discovered!! Thorak

2016-07-16 - New Scanner map on scanning page

2016-05-27 - Another minor score update

2016-05-03 - New Criminal and Assassin Ranking system, and new rank reward ships.

2016-05-03 - Minor update to scoring

2016-03-06 - Integrated Markets and Facilities

2016-01-08 - New planet discovered!! Virgo Ceti 5

2015-12-25 - Happy Xmas. New Special Missions : Hunt Santa and his helpers

2015-10-22 - Server Maintenance Sat 24th Oct

2014-11-08 - apologies for the down time

2014-07-11 - World Cup events both end 23:00:00, Jul 13 2514 game time

2014-06-29 - World Cup trader event is live

2014-06-18 - World Cup Special Events

2014-02-02 - Timezones

2013-12-21 - New planet discovered!! Kameon

2013-06-14 - New planet discovered!! Sagitta

2012-08-29 - Server fixed

2012-07-26 - Planetary engineering

2012-06-11 - iPad and mobile friendly site themes

2012-05-07 - New planet discovered!! Teris-Ceti 9

2012-02-28 - We're Back! + New Features

2011-12-25 - Happy Christmas! Special Missions!

2011-06-28 - Apologies for the longer than expected downtime

2011-06-27 - Server downtime today - completed

2011-04-15 - New planet discovered!! Bortex

2011-03-26 - Server clock change tonight

2010-10-09 - Apologies : Server issues - Resolved

2010-09-12 - Portal is back online

2010-07-11 - World Cup Special Missions - Updated with winner

2010-07-01 - New planet discovered!! Procyon 9

2010-05-24 - Missions to restricted planets + Smuggling

2010-05-24 - Modified Feature: Mission Bonuses and Penalties

2010-05-17 - New Feature: Repair Docks

2010-05-09 - Extra Tick

2010-05-05 - New Features: Missions and Scoring

2010-05-05 - New Features: NPC upgrades

2010-05-04 - New Features: Facilities

2010-05-04 - Updates

2009-12-18 - New Recruits Needed!

2009-12-06 - NPC traders

2009-12-06 - Facility Scoring change

2009-11-03 - Minor Scoreboard change

2009-10-21 - My AoA

2009-10-21 - My Stats

2009-10-21 - AoA v2.0 released

2009-09-21 - New planet discovered!! Vulcan

2009-09-21 - New planet discovered!! Thi Alpha Chi

2009-09-21 - New planet discovered!! Beta Auriga

2009-09-17 - stuck travel etc. [resolved]

2009-09-08 - Downtime again

2009-09-02 - Minor Planetary Re-Engineering

2009-08-24 - New ships!

2009-08-22 - Server status page

2009-08-21 - Sorry about the down time....

2009-08-12 - Resurrection!

2008-07-03 - We're back!!

2008-05-26 - New planet discovered!! Vol

2008-05-26 - New planet discovered!! Corvus

2008-04-20 - Changes to facility production

2008-03-17 - Hide my alts

2008-02-17 - Navy Ranks

2008-02-17 - Restricted Planets

2008-02-06 - Login Problems fixed

2008-01-06 - New System Maps

2008-01-03 - Filters on my facility pages

2007-12-19 - Special Missions!

2007-12-18 - Apologies: Slow Server

2007-12-10 - Smugglers beware

2007-12-09 - System MW boards

2007-11-29 - Strongrooms

2007-11-29 - Scoring changes

2007-11-13 - Slow server

2007-10-27 - Game Time Changed for end of DST

2007-09-24 - Facilities

2007-09-05 - New planet discovered!! Rigel

2007-08-14 - Streamline Capsules

2007-08-13 - Funds available indicator

2007-08-11 - Farm and Factory Stock Requisitioned

2007-08-11 - Mining Outposts released!

2007-08-11 - Factory and Farm changes

2007-08-10 - Theres no gold in them thar' hills - Mining Changes

2007-08-05 - Supply and Demand

2007-07-28 - pr-gprs/lite fully fixed

2007-07-19 - Extra tick

2007-07-16 - New planet discovered!! Bundy

2007-07-16 - pr-lite and pr-gprs partially fixed UPDATED

2007-04-23 - wtf was that?

2007-03-16 - More down time

2007-03-14 - Apologies for the down time

2007-02-15 - New features voting

2007-02-15 - wiki down

2007-02-14 - Message boards unavailable for a short period: updated

2007-02-01 - This is the game you're looking for /waves hand in a mystical jedi-like way ;)

2006-11-13 - AoA Short story competition winners announced!

2006-11-01 - AoA Short story competition is now closed

2006-10-05 - Create a story, and win a prize!!

2006-09-26 - Factory worker cost reduced

2006-09-26 - New scoring algorithm

2006-09-22 - New planet discovered!! NGC 2403-A

2006-09-13 - Cargo/Factory stock bug update

2006-09-12 - Apologies for the long tick today at 16:00

2006-09-12 - New planet discovered!! Aranumia

2006-09-12 - Assasination missions value increase

2006-08-02 - Outbreak...!

2006-07-25 - Losing players, pimp the game!

2006-07-24 - Not online for a bit.... (me, not the game)

2006-07-20 - New planet discovered!! Tau Boo

2006-07-14 - Bug related to new planet orbits

2006-07-14 - Update to planet orbits completed.

2006-07-12 - IMPORTANT! - Update to all planet orbits - Please read now...

2006-07-11 - A big thanks...

2006-07-04 - Scoring algorithm change

2006-06-23 - lose weight the easy way, with portal lite!

2006-06-19 - Some good news at last :)

2006-06-19 - Another 4 accounts banned

2006-06-08 - Bannings, it had to happen eventually...

2006-05-30 - Oooh, we're back :)