Ashes Of Angels Logo

Earth Time:16:36:37 Oct 05 2024
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Total players: 31
Online: 0
Game Time:16:36:37 Oct 05 2524


If you find a bug please report it in the bugs forum on the portal

Game Announcements

2008-07-03 - We're back!!

Well that wasn't supposed to happen :/

Unfortunately a crucial part of the server failed sometime in the early hours of June 23rd. To compound the issue neither myself or andyb were checking as we were both away from home/work, so it didn't get spotted until earlier this week.

Thankfully it wasn't anything too serious and the wonderful server engineers at the ISP have now been able to restore everything to how it was, and we can continue wandering the universe again.

Some accounts may have expired so please send me a message ASAP if one of yours is affected and I'll hopefully be able to prevent it from getting deleted, but you'll have to be quick.



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