Game Announcements
2006-07-14 - Update to planet orbits completed.
The update to the planet orbits has completed successfully, and a lot quicker than I thought, and so far with no hiccups.
If anyone has any problems please post the in the bugs forum, BUT ONLY IF you were at a docked somewhere at the time. I won't support any users that didn't read the announcement and pay attention.
Also, before anyone complains they couldn't log in for the past 10 minutes, yes that was intentional, so that I could complete the change in the fastest possible time without having to worry about database changes from players actions. So no bug reports for that please, other wise they'll just get closed straight away.
And a massive thanks to tiggr who had put in an unfathomable amount of time working out all the new orbits so that they were realistic and workable, and for giving me all the formulas I needed to make the code work right.
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