Game Announcements
2017-08-12 - Portal Site Updated
first part of a modernisation of the AoA site has just been deployed, which you will notice on the Portal today, and hopefully in the game itself tomorrow.
Main changes are relocating the menu to the top to be a dropdown menu, and the rest of the site being upgraded to cope (hopefully) much better with the many smaller and more portable devices that are used by players to access the internet these day. Should work better on mobile/cell phones for example.
I've tested as much as possible on recent iOS and Android devices and everything works ok for me. Things might be a little cramped on older smart phones in portrait mode, so try rotating them into landscape mode to make them a bit wider / easier to read etc.
let me know of any issues in the Bugs portal as normal or suggested improvements as well, and watch this space for the game update in the next day or so.
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